Family photo taken in the Colorado mountains, featuring Rep. Lindsey Daugherty (in a baseball cap and sunglasses) and her husband, Alex, both smiling and holding up their new baby boy

We are facing a climate crisis.

Having grown up in Colorado, I am proud of the beauty and incredible outdoor activities that this state has to offer, and I know firsthand how vital our natural resources and environment are to our way of life. As an avid hiker, cyclist, and runner, I want to do whatever I can to ensure that future generations can enjoy this state as much as I do.

Unfortunately, our planet is under threat due to climate change and pollution, endangering not only our physical health, but also our financial health. It’s imperative that we take bold action to protect our environment, combat climate change, and transition to a green economy.

To meet the urgent challenges posed by climate change & environmental degradation, we must pursue a bold, wide-ranging agenda that prioritizes action on several key fronts:

  • Accelerating our transition to green energy is crucial for combating climate change and creating new opportunities. By embracing renewable sources like solar, wind, and hydro power, we can reduce our carbon footprint, improve air quality, and secure energy independence while driving job growth and economic development. To achieve these goals, we must:

    • Expand Renewable Energy Adoption: Boost investments in solar, wind, and hydroelectric power projects to increase Colorado’s renewable energy portfolio.

    • Increase Energy Storage Solutions: Develop and incentivize energy storage technologies to enhance grid stability and renewable energy utilization.

    • Incentivize Energy Efficiency Upgrades: Offer incentives for residential and commercial buildings to upgrade to energy-efficient systems and appliances.

    • Support Electric Vehicle Infrastructure: Accelerate the construction of EV charging stations and promote incentives for EV purchases statewide.

    • Strengthen Renewable Energy Financing: Make financing more accessible for clean energy projects to stimulate growth in the green energy sector.

    • Implement Green Building Standards: Adopt sustainable building practices and standards to ensure new constructions and renovations are energy-efficient and environmentally friendly.

    • Strengthen Community Solar Programs: Encourage the development of community solar projects, allowing wider access to solar energy for all Colorado residents.

    • Promote Green Workforce Development: Foster education and training programs focused on green energy sectors to support Colorado’s clean energy economy.

    • Facilitate Transition to Renewable Heating and Cooling: Promote the adoption of geothermal and air source heat pumps for residential and commercial properties to reduce dependence on fossil fuels for heating and cooling.

    • Enhance Grid Flexibility and Integration: Invest in smart grid technologies and policies that improve grid flexibility, allowing for better integration of variable renewable energy sources and enhancing energy efficiency statewide.

  • Our forests, rivers, air, and land are essential to our well-being and the health of our planet. They support biodiversity, regulate our climate, and sustain life as we know it. We have a responsibility to protect these natural resources by reducing exploitation, preventing damage, and using them sustainably. This is the only way to ensure that future generations can enjoy a healthy planet. To achieve this, we must:

    • Conserve Water Resources: Implement water-saving technologies and practices in agricultural and urban settings to safeguard Colorado's precious water supplies.

    • Preserve Natural Habitats: Protect Colorado's diverse ecosystems from mountains to plains through dedicated conservation efforts and strategic land management.

    • Reduce Pollution: Target reductions in air, water, and soil pollution through stricter regulations, cleanup efforts, and the promotion of clean technologies across the state.

    • Promote Soil Health: Encourage practices that enhance soil fertility and prevent erosion, supporting both agriculture and natural landscapes in Colorado.

    • Manage Wildlife Sustainably: Ensure the health and diversity of Colorado's wildlife populations with sustainable management practices and conservation programs.

    • Enhance Forest Management: Address threats like beetle infestations and reduce wildfire risks through proactive and strategic forest management in Colorado’s woodlands.

    • Combat Overexploitation of Resources: Regulate and monitor the use of natural resources to prevent overfishing, overhunting, and unsustainable harvesting.

    • Encourage Sustainable Recreation: Promote eco-friendly outdoor activities that respect natural landscapes and support conservation efforts.

    • Strengthen Riparian and Wetland Protections: Enhance the protection of Colorado's riparian zones and wetlands, crucial for biodiversity, water filtration, and flood control.

  • Low-income communities & communities of color often bear the brunt of environmental problems like pollution and lack of green space, without seeing the benefits of things like clean energy. It is imperative that we prioritize environmental justice to ensure all Coloradans have access to a healthy environment and a seat at the table when decisions are made that affect their communities. To create a sustainable future that works for all Coloradans, we must:

    • Engage Communities in Environmental Decision-Making: Facilitate meaningful participation of marginalized communities in decisions that affect their environment and health.

    • Address Disproportionate Pollution Impacts: Target pollution cleanup and mitigation efforts in areas disproportionately affected by environmental hazards.

    • Enhance Public Health in Environmental Justice Areas: Focus on improving air and water quality in communities affected by industrial pollution to mitigate health risks.

    • Support Local Food Systems and Green Spaces: Promote the development of local food systems and accessible green spaces in urban areas to improve community well-being.

    • Invest in Community-Led Environmental Projects: Support initiatives led by local communities to address environmental justice issues, from urban forestry to pollution cleanup.

    • Enhance Resilience to Climate Change: Implement adaptation and resilience measures in communities most vulnerable to climate impacts.

  • Tackling climate change will require all of us working together. That means making sure our kids learn about these challenges in school, so they're prepared to be part of the solution. It also means investing in research and innovation, promoting new technologies and practices that can help us mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate change. To build a sustainable future in which we all play a role in protecting our environment, we must:

    • Integrate Climate Science into Education Curricula: Incorporate comprehensive climate change and sustainability curricula across all levels of education in Colorado.

    • Support Local Innovation in Clean Technology: Encourage the development and commercialization of innovative clean technologies through state-supported incubators and research grants.

    • Encourage Clean Technology Startups: Provide funding, incentives, and support for entrepreneurs and startups focused on creating sustainable and clean technologies.

    • Foster Partnerships Between Academia and Industry: Encourage collaboration between universities, research institutions, and businesses to accelerate the development and deployment of green innovations.

    • Enhance Professional Development in Green Sectors: Offer training and continuing education opportunities for workers in industries related to renewable energy, sustainability, and environmental management.

    • Facilitate Community-Based Environmental Projects: Support grassroots projects that engage communities in sustainability initiatives, leveraging local knowledge and innovation for environmental improvement.

    • Leverage Technology for Climate Solutions: Use technology and data analytics to monitor environmental changes, enhance energy efficiency, and inform public policy and community practices.

  • We must act now to ensure that future generations have access to sufficient food and clean water. By adopting sustainable farming practices, we can increase crop yields while minimizing damage to the environment and conserving our precious water resources. To safeguard the planet that sustains us, we must:

    • Adopt Water-Saving Irrigation Techniques: Implement efficient irrigation methods such as drip irrigation to reduce water consumption in agriculture.

    • Encourage Efficient Agricultural Practices: Promote the use of water-wise irrigation systems and drought-resistant crops to optimize water use in agriculture.

    • Support Organic Farming Initiatives: Promote farming practices that avoid synthetic pesticides and fertilizers to enhance soil quality and protect water sources from contamination.

    • Implement Integrated Pest Management (IPM): Use environmentally sensitive approaches to pest management that minimize risks to humans, animals, and the environment.

    • Protect Colorado's Waterways: Implement strategies to reduce agricultural runoff and protect the quality of water in rivers, lakes, and streams.

    • Strengthen Drought Resilience Planning: Develop comprehensive plans for agriculture and communities to adapt to and mitigate the impacts of drought conditions.

    • Promote Xeriscaping and Water-Wise Landscaping in Agricultural and Urban Areas: Encourage the use of drought-resistant plants and landscaping techniques that minimize water use.

  • Clean air is essential for protecting public health and the environment. By implementing strict emissions controls, investing in clean energy, and promoting green transportation, we can significantly reduce harmful air pollutants that contribute to respiratory diseases, climate change, and ecosystem damage. To create a healthier, more breathable world for future generations, we must:

    • Reduce Industrial Emissions: Implement stricter regulations and adopt cleaner technologies in industries to minimize air pollutants.

    • Promote Clean Transportation: Expand electric vehicle (EV) adoption and support infrastructure for EV charging stations across Colorado to decrease transportation-related pollution.

    • Enhance Emissions Testing and Monitoring: Strengthen air quality monitoring systems to identify pollution sources and ensure compliance with air quality standards.

    • Support Renewable Energy Projects: Accelerate the shift to renewable energy sources like wind, solar, and hydro to decrease reliance on fossil fuels.

    • Implement Green Urban Planning: Encourage the development of green spaces and tree planting in urban areas to improve air quality and provide natural pollution filtration.

    • Encourage Energy Efficiency: Promote energy-saving practices in homes, businesses, and government buildings to reduce energy consumption and associated emissions.

    • Regulate Agricultural Practices: Adopt sustainable farming techniques that minimize ammonia emissions, dust, and other particulates.

    • Teach the Public about Air Quality: Raise awareness about the health impacts of poor air quality and ways individuals can contribute to pollution reduction.

    • Implement Pollution Control Measures: Install and maintain pollution control equipment in factories, power plants, and vehicles to capture or reduce emissions.

  • The devastating wildfires that have been ravaging Colorado in recent years make it abundantly clear that we need a comprehensive plan to prevent and respond to these disasters. As climate change continues to worsen wildfire risks, we need to take proactive steps to reduce the likelihood and severity of these events. To protect our landscapes, habitats, lives, and livelihoods from the devastating impacts of wildfires, we must:

    • Strengthen Community Wildfire Preparedness: Support community efforts in creating and implementing wildfire preparedness plans, especially in Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) areas.

    • Enhance Forest Management and Fuel Reduction: Implement strategic forest management practices, including controlled burns and mechanical thinning, to reduce wildfire fuel loads.

    • Improve Early Detection and Monitoring Systems: Invest in advanced technologies for early wildfire detection and real-time monitoring to enhance response efforts.

    • Expand Firefighting Resources and Training: Ensure that firefighting teams are equipped with the latest tools and training to effectively combat wildfires.

    • Promote Fire-Resistant Building and Landscaping: Encourage the use of fire-resistant materials in construction and landscaping to protect properties in high-risk areas.

    • Foster Public Education on Wildfire Risks and Safety: Launch statewide educational campaigns to raise awareness about wildfire risks and safety precautions.

    • Collaborate with Federal and State Agencies on Wildfire Management: Strengthen collaboration with federal and state agencies to share resources, knowledge, and strategies for effective wildfire management.

    • Invest in Post-Wildfire Recovery and Ecosystem Restoration: Commit to efforts that focus on the recovery and restoration of natural habitats and community structures affected by wildfires, promoting ecological balance and resilience.

    • Expand Support for Property Loss Recovery: Implement robust programs that offer insurance guidance, financial aid, and mental health support for those recovering from wildfire property losses.

  • We need to get serious about managing our waste and recycling if we want to protect the environment and conserve our resources. By creating comprehensive waste management systems that recover valuable materials and encourage responsible practices, we can build a cleaner, greener future for Colorado. To achieve this goal, we must:

    • Upgrade Waste Collection Infrastructure: Improve waste collection and sorting facilities to improve efficiency and reduce contamination in recycling streams.

    • Promote Zero Waste Initiatives: Encourage businesses, institutions, and communities to adopt zero waste practices, aiming for the reduction, reuse, and recycling of materials.

    • Develop Waste-to-Energy Solutions: Invest in technologies that convert waste into renewable energy, reducing landfill use while generating clean power.

    • Implement Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR): Require manufacturers to take responsibility for the entire lifecycle of their products, including recycling or safe disposal.

    • Improve Organic Waste Management: Establish community composting programs and incentives for diverting food waste and yard debris from landfills.

    • Advance Circular Economy Policies: Encourage the design of products and packaging for longevity, reparability, and recyclability to minimize waste.

    • Support Local Recycling Centers: Develop incentives and infrastructure to support local recycling industries and markets for recycled materials.

    • Regulate Single-Use Plastics: Introduce bans or restrictions on single-use plastics, encouraging the use of sustainable alternatives.

Tackling environmental issues and climate change is no small task, but I believe in the resilience and ingenuity of Coloradans. Together, we can make our state a leader in sustainability and environmental stewardship.