Upholding Our Commitment

Our seniors and veterans are pillars of our community, embodying a legacy of service, resilience, and wisdom. They deserve our unwavering commitment to their wellbeing. In representing Colorado, I champion policies and initiatives that enhance the quality of life for these valuable members of our society.

Securing Quality Healthcare for Seniors & Veterans

Our seniors and veterans have unique healthcare needs. I am a strong advocate for comprehensive and affordable healthcare services that are tailored to their requirements. From enhancing Medicare provisions to supporting specialized veteran healthcare programs, we must ensure that these populations receive optimal care and support.

Economic Security For All

Too many seniors and veterans face economic uncertainty. I'm determined to change this narrative by protecting social security and pensions and advocating for economic policies that favor their interests. Our comprehensive approach to tackling this issue should include initiatives aimed at job creation and financial literacy for seniors and veterans.

Promoting Accessible & Affordable Housing

Finding safe, affordable, and suitable housing shouldn’t be an uphill battle for our seniors and veterans. We must prioritize policies that increase affordable housing options and to inspire innovations in housing designs that cater to their unique needs.

Improving Transportation Options

A lack of adequate and affordable transportation options can isolate seniors and veterans from essential services and social interactions. I’m focused on addressing this challenge, pushing for investments in public transit infrastructure, and promoting initiatives that offer specialized transportation services to seniors and veterans.

Supporting Veteran Transition & Reintroduction

Transitioning back into civilian life can be daunting for our veterans. They need and deserve our support during this critical period. To that end, I advocate for comprehensive programs that provide education, job opportunities, and mental health services. It’s also crucial to encourage and strengthen support networks, as community plays a powerful role in fostering successful reintegration.

Our seniors and veterans have enriched our communities, and it's only fitting that we ensure they enjoy a future of dignity, security, and prosperity. As your representative, I promise to uphold this commitment and create a future where every senior and every veteran can live their best lives